Black Homeschooling Organizations

Here is a list for your notes.

National Black Home Educators (NBHE)

NBHE is a member-supported grassroots organization that provides resources, curriculum, and community for African American families who are choosing to homeschool their children. They offer information, education, and regional support networks to empower parents to educate their children for excellence.

Brown Mamas

Brown Mamas is a website that provides a list of 30+ websites every black homeschooler should know about. These websites include blogs, curriculum resources, homeschooling tools, and more

Kamili Academy

Kamili Academy is an online school that offers an education for liberation. They provide an African-centered curriculum that includes history, science, math, and language arts. Their curriculum is designed to help students develop critical thinking skills and a strong sense of self

Kujichagulia Press

Kujichagulia Press is a publishing company that offers African-centered homeschooling curriculum. They provide books, workbooks, and other resources that cover a range of subjects, including history, science, and math is an online learning platform that offers courses for homeschoolers. They have several courses specifically designed for black homeschoolers, including courses on African American history, culture, and literature

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